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  3. SARS-CoV-2 Antigen - wynik w języku angielskim

SARS-CoV-2 Antigen - wynik w języku angielskim

Antigen tests, which are performed on symptomatic patients, are rapid screening tests that detect proteins specific for SARS-CoV-2 virus. Antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection allow in a short time, rapid identification of infected individuals. They are the same basis for confirming SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection as genetic PCR tests.

Oczekiwanie na wynik

1 dzień roboczy




  • możesz iść na pobranie w ciągu dnia, nie musisz być na czczo. Unikaj pobrania materiału po obfitym posiłku
Dowiedz się więcej

The antigen test is used in the early stages of infection. Its sensitivity is highest during the period of intensive multiplication of the virus in the nasopharynx, that is, a few days before the onset of clinical symptoms and up to 5-7 days after their appearance. Most antigen tests detecting SARS-CoV-2 proteins show medium sensitivity and high specificity. For this reason, negative results, as well as positive results, should be verified by a molecular test (by RT-PCR). The antigenic immunochromatographic test detects the nucleocapsid protein, which is characteristic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The presence of this protein indicates a positive test result.

SARS-COV-2 ANTIGEN DETECTION - who should perform and when?

The test is indicated for:

  • people with symptoms that may indicate COVID-19 disease,
  • individuals who may have had contact with SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals, but do not meet the criteria for RT-PCR testing,
  • vulnerable individuals to exclude contact with SARS-CoV-2 P virus.

The sample for testing is a nasopharyngeal swab. After collecting the swab, a sample of the material is applied to the hole on the test plate, and after a certain time a reading is taken. A positive test result with high probability indicates active infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus and high infectivity of the patient.

A negative test result should be interpreted in conjunction with symptoms and epidemiological history. A negative result does not exclude active disease with 100% certainty. The test to verify the result of the antigen test is a smear test by Real Time PCR (RT-PCR).

Approximately two hours before the test, it is recommended to refrain from eating, rinsing the mouth, brushing teeth and smoking. At least two hours before the swab, do not apply nasal drops, ointments or sprays. It is recommended to take the swab in the morning, before meals.

Dodatkowe przygotowanie

Minimum 2 godziny przed badaniem: • nie spożywaj posiłków oraz nie pij • nie żuj gumy • nie płucz jamy ustnej oraz nosa • nie myj zębów, nie stosuj płynu do płukania jamy ustnej • nie przyjmuj leków (tabletek do ssania, syropów, aerozoli, także do nosa: maści) • nie wykonuj inhalacji, nie płucz zatok, nie wydmuchuj nosa bezpośrednio przed pobraniem • nie pal papierosów • jeśli masz ruchomą protezę, wyjmij ją przed pobraniem próbki

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